CWG: Survival
May 6, 2022 update
If you can make 3d objects using Blender or some other program, and you want to volunteer creating 3d items for the game (such as 3d cryptocurrency tokens that will float in the air when you open a money chest or kill an enemy) contact me and maybe you can help provide some assets for the game.
While dev1 is still working on a basic survival sample game, I decided to do tutorials to learn how to develop my own games. It will be a long road but hopefully it will help me customize features more efficiently when I need updates and make the game build more affordable. This will help us launch sooner too since I may need less help from other developers.
Right now i’m just doing tutorials and teaching myself how to build a sample first person shooter game. If you are interested in learning how to become a game developer pm me and i’ll give you tutorial links.
If i share sample pictures just realize they are NOT the official survival game that we will launch later on, but they may be what we start out with to do testing with.
As of now, i am planning to launch a sample “browser” game first but dont worry, this is just for casual gamplay while the main job is being done. We have dev1 and dev4 still working on things.
On the website, I added an invisible captcha to help lower the chances of spam posts.
I connected Telegram to the website so that i instantly get notified when someone pays for an item so that I can verify that the order went through properly. It “should” be automated when you buy an item and then receive it in the game, but this telegram notification will be a helpful feature to provide great customer service and support by making sure you get what you paid for after purchasing from our website “shop.”
Its not perfect yet but I made the site more mobile friendly than a few days ago. I still plan on adjusting the mobile responsiveness, color scheme and even the overall theme/design later on, right now i just want it to “work.”
If anyone is interested in my own progress on “becoming a game dev” i’ll give you some updates from now on with these normal Crypto World Games: Survival (CWG: Survival) updates:
I have learned how to import a sample first person shooter (FPS) game, update game packages to fix common errors that was keeping me from testing dev sample projects, set the health of the player and enemies, how to create patrol paths to basically turn the enemies into artificial intelligence (AI) to walk around the game map (until it sees you, then it will chase and start shooting at you). I learned how to take one game object, such as a cross health bar and change the 3d image to something else and still works as the health “power up.” This trick will help me download assets then easily swap them out for other things that we need in the games. I learned how to customize and add a hat to an enemy which could work for many things such as sunglasses, weapons, etc. I learned how to duplicate enemies and resize them, and move them anywhere on the map that I want while adjusting their health/power meters in sync or independently. I now can adjust the delay between enemy shots, bullet spread angle, bullets per shot, how many bullets the enemy’s gun holds before they reload (player too), change the recoil amount, I can even adjust the damage dealt for each bullet that hits its target. I can now adjust the enemy’s shooting range and detection range. I can adjust how much the “health power ups” give you. I learned how to change the “loot” from a health powerup to a jetpack (or whatever loot i want to add), when we kill an enemy ai.
If all goes good, I hope to host this first person shooter as a browser game soon just to continue upgrading it as I learn, in case anyone wants to check it out, while the main developers are building the actual survival game.
I know these “updates” are not 100% about the survival game, and they are also not “awesome” updates but I want to show continuous progress when possible.
Thanks for following CWG: Survival
Smarty aka @CryptoGoldfish
Remember, i will never ask for private keys or mnemonic phrases or passwords. I will NEVER message you first, if i do, then its an imposter that has cloned me 🙂 Always find the “admin” tag in the chat room and click my profile image and hit “send message” to make sure you are talking to the real Smarty if you want to verify.
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